Friday, September 6, 2013 8:01

IITM: I’m posting because I know ascension to be real, and I know our Creator’s voice when I hear it… enjoy and try not to hurt yourself or others, while you figure out what’s really going on!
Prime Creator Speaks:
It is joy which brings me to communicate with you. It is a time of rebirth, of increasing vitality and change. The events you are experiencing now are the beginning of a new era for Planet Earth, and it also heralds in a shift across All That Is to a higher vibration. All beings in the Multiverse – the Universes within and beyond your human perception – are taking part in the rising tide which lifts all to higher levels of existence. Indeed, every being in every corner of the Universe will feel the effects of this great rebirth.
It is my intention that all be given the freedom to grow, to ascend to higher dimensions. It is the birthright of all beings, this natural movement toward expansion. It is felt everywhere as individuals and as groups, although many areas of the cosmos have already evolved to an experience of life which is lived as a group identity, a shared consciousness. It is the evolution of Love to join with others in harmony and bliss. It is your destiny to make this transition as well, although that is still a long way off for humankind. Your experience as individuals – your individuation phase – has been a productive learning experience, one which will bring great richness and depth to your eventual joining in Unity.
For you, behind the Veil of Forgetfulness which shields you from knowledge of those higher dimensions you have experienced as Home between incarnations, it is not apparent that there are worlds beyond worlds for you to explore. It has appeared to you that all existence is what you see and feel with your present bodies, through the use of your five senses. This was part of the Great Experiment, of course. It allowed you to experience free will. Were you to have complete vision as you do in higher dimensions, you would not be able to make completely independent choices, for higher dimensional Vision allows you to see cause and effect, removing the mystery of where a particular decision will lead you.
Thus, in the condition of 3-dimensional Earth, you were given the option to direct your life in response to your experience of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. The added element of physicality, combined with free will, has created a superior learning environment, with the opportunity to choose connection with me and with other beings in spirit form, or to live apart from the Love and support of the Heavenly Host. Those who have maintained this connection or are awakening to it will find their path cleared for them. By joining with the power of Love, you are able to take flight.
As each one awakens to the possibility of accomplishing this wondrous transition together, you will have need of teachers, mentors and guides to help you take this leap into what you might think of as the unknown. Your guides will have already pierced the Veil and will be aware of the glories which await you. You will receive all the help you need, for as long as you need it. This is also part of the plan.
Many among you are incarnated Ascended Masters who have come to assist you. They too have had to make the effort to awaken from the oppression and Darkness which has weighed upon all of you. They have lived many lives in preparation for this time, where they gained in wisdom and strength, and they are now working to clear away all residue of distortion and suffering from this and past lifetimes, so that they may lead you from a position of Absolute Love.
During each phase of growth as it is expressed in the process of Ascension, there are souls who step forward to lead others toward the Light. On your planet at this time, the Kumaras, whose growth as souls was accomplished over eons on the Planet Venus, have played an important role. They are the family of Sananda which has taken a special interest in this Ascension, and they are all the children of my heart.
Over eons, they have evolved to their position of influence by virtue of their level of learning and their achievement of higher dimensional understanding. They are among the Enlightened Beings who serve in positions of responsibility on your planet and in the High Councils of the Galactic Federation and beyond. It is the custom for these Enlightened Beings to serve as Regents of Planet Earth – those leaders who take responsibility for the growth and development of all beings on the planet.
The Regents, who are also known as Lords of the World, serve for a period of some 2,000 years as measured in Earth time. The Regents who have been chosen by a Council of beings from this planet and beyond to serve at this time of transition are the ones you know as Lord St. Germain and Lady Portia. They take over the duties from the past Regents, Lord Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus. As some of you may know, in his recent Earthly incarnation, Sanat Kumara trained Kathryn over a period of 30 years in the ancient technique of Visual Centering, to prepare her for this work she is doing now. Of course, neither of them knew of that at the time. They only knew they felt a very strong bond, and loved each other very much.
Their special interest and commitment to the cause of Love and Light has been recognized for eons, and their love of Mother Earth and humankind is unwavering. In preparation for this responsibility, they have each lived lives as leaders of the people. St. Germain is known for his incarnations as alchemist, writer and political leader, while Lady Portia has served in powerful political positions as queen in various eras in several countries during your history. Together and separately they have helped to shape the fertile arena which is now your springboard to Ascension.
Our channel, Kathryn, is not comfortable with being both the subject and the scribe for these discussions, but we can assure her this is not the only source of information on this topic. We also wish to reassure others who sincerely believe they have been given the responsibility of presenting the presence of Lady Portia in body at this time, you are indeed an aspect of Lady Portia, and your Twin Flame is an aspect of St. Germain, and you are offering a great service by disseminating the wonderful teachings of these Masters.
It is time now on Planet Earth for all of you to begin diligently applying the lessons you have been given here, in Sananda’s teachings, and in the many messages from Mother/Father God which are all gathered on the website, This is the original source of our teachings, which were first written in English. Translations have been made in many languages, and the messages may be copied without charge, but the originals should always be considered the authentic source.
We are giving you everything we can offer you in writing, and our Masters are teaching our True Way across the globe, but it is up to you to read with an open heart, to be willing to change the ideas you have come to believe as a result of your religious teachings, and above all, to raise you vibrations so that you will be prepared to ascend when the portals become visible to you. It is entirely your choice and your responsibility to prepare yourselves, as our Ascended Masters have done in the past. We are sending waves of healing energy to you now, to help you wash away old feelings, old convictions and old pain so that you can experience yourselves as the brilliant beings of Love you were born to be.
Let me give you one last definitive explanation of what is required for your personal ascension:
1). You must maintain complete command over your emotions, thoughts and feelings, such that you only permit expression of the high vibration emotions, which are Love, Compassion, Kindness, Forgiveness, Joy, Laughter, Harmony and Peace.
2). Gain command over your thoughts so that you refuse entrance to those thoughts and ideas which cause you doubt, anger, resentment, anxiety or despair, or which bring these feelings to others. Do not insist that you are simply addressing “reality.” These thoughts are all manifestations of Darkness, the Dark teachings of the past.
3.) Understand that self-defense is only that. Initiating an attack on another, regardless of the professed excuse, is never acceptable to God.
4). Remain in a state of good will, kindness and compassion toward yourself and your fellow humans at all times. Any religion or attitude which professes enmity, disapproval or condemnation toward others is false and not of this Creator.
5). Accept that you, and all the animal, vegetable and mineral creations on your Planet Earth are conscious beings with feelings, thoughts and aspirations to ascend. Refrain from eating the animals, for they are your friends. You will all rise together, and you will receive great assistance from the other Kingdoms.
6). Protect your planet as you would your child, for she is the source of Life. Do not permit invasion and attack to her body, regardless of any excuse that is given or any entitlement assumed.
7). Join with others, especially including the children, to joyfully and consciously prepare yourselves for this all-important event. Nothing in your lives is as important or as deserving of your attention as assuring your own Ascension and that of the people around you.
8). Allow the endless Love from Us to flow through your body and fill your heart. In this way, you allow your own ascension to occur effortlessly.
9). Teach patience, compassion and endless Love through your own actions, which speak louder than anything you can say. Make peace with those around you, and you will live in peace.
10). Approach this challenge with Joy, for it is truly the stairway to Heaven.
These are my Commandments and the desire of my Heart, to see every one of my Earth children ascend in Joy, as all fulfill the destiny of humankind, to live in peace and harmony in the 5th dimension. They are Universal Laws, and living by these Laws will bring unfathomable happiness and fulfillment to every being on Earth and in the Heavens.
I give you my Love, my trust in your innate Nature, and the assistance of my trusted Masters to help ease your way. May your days be filled with Laughter and Joy.
I AM your Prime Creator.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, August 31, 2013, 12 PM
****From chapter 11 of the new scriptures****
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- Chapter Ten, the New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus
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- Chapter Seven, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/…
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- Chapter Five, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus
- Chapter Four, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus
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